Sunday, May 4, 2008

Life stories

I heard a radio programme recently that talked about how someone bet the American write Ernest Hemmingway he couldn't write a story in 6 words. Hemmingway won the bet, but the story was very sad - something like 'For sale, baby shoes, never worn'. What I'd like you to do this week is write your life story - in 6 words. Quite a challenge! Mine is 'Science in Britain, English in Portugal' which summarises the 2 jobs I've had in two different countries. Others I heard which I liked were 'too young, too old, too late' and 'fell in love, married someone else'. so try to be imaginative and post your 6 word life stories.


Isabel said...

I think it is very difficult to do a good synthesis about our life using, only, six words, but I'll try that the following words give you an image about some of the most important points of my life: anxiety, two sons,hard work,dream.

carolyn said...

Hi Isabel,
I know it's not an easy thing to do but I think yours is a very good attempt to summarise the important things in your life. Well done.

Isabel said...

Hello, again
Thank you for your comments.
I have liked, specially, "Too young, too old,too late" , it's very nice, reveals sensitivity and finally touch me. Sometimes, I have realized that the opportunity has gone!...At first, the immaturity linked to the youth and at last the right time passed

carolyn said...

I know exactly what you mean. when I heard that one I also thought of all the opportunities I missed because I felt I was too young or too inexperienced. Hopefully we learn something from it when we're older and try make the most of every opportunity.

Perséfone said...

Hi everyone, I hope you're all fine!
This is a huge challenge I think...
I never thought about my life to be written in six words. But if I needed to do so it will be something like " dreamy college girl, ice creams,childish".
Well, I'm not always eating ice creams, tough I love it, but I eat it many times, when I'm not carryng on a diet!!! :)
See you!!! Bye, Margarida!

ana said...

Hello everyone,
this challenge is quite dificult but when I think in 6 word to summarise my life stories I think: too curious, too restless, too hopeful.
Bye see you tomorrow!

carolyn said...

Hi Ana and Margarida,
I like your life stories.Margarida ,I think you're being a bit harsh on yourself - I don't think you're childish at all, quite the opposite in fact. And Ana - I think being curious and hopeful are very positive qualities, although they do say that curiosity killed the cat.
See you later,