Monday, April 7, 2008

Getting started

Hi everyone,
I though to start off I'd just put on some links here that might be useful to you outside class.

The first is to an online dictionary which may be useful to help you keep vocabulary records.

Secondly here are a few links to sites where you can get lots of information about English, do grammar exercises, test your reading and vocabulary etc. They are the British Council's own learn English site and the BBC's learning English site.

Lastly, here's a link to grammar information online.


carolyn said...
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carolyn said...

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Perséfone said...

HI CAROLYN! I loved your idea about this blog! Every next time I come to the internet I'll search for new information and tasks here!

carolyn said...

Hi Perséfone,
I'll try to keep up with you. Watch this space!

Perséfone said...

Ups! I forgot to write down my name on the last comment! Perséfone is my nickname in another blog. Actually, I'm margarida, the youngest one!

carolyn said...

Yes Margarida,
I had sussed you were persefone but thought that maybe you preferred to use your pseudonym online.