Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Green day

Hi everyone,
I think I forgot to mention, but next Saturday is Green Day in the British Council and we'll be doing some special activities related to the environment. In preparation, I'd like you to think about environmental problems where you live. For example, I live in the countryside, but overuse of fertilizers is a problem which can contaminate water courses. Although the council where I live has a free service to collect 'oversized' rubbish such as TV sets etc, people still dump things like mattresses at the side of country roads, so it seems that there's still a long way to go as far as education is concerned. I'd like you to write a little bit about your area and what you think are the biggest problems there.See you next week, and wear something green if you have it.


Isabel said...

Hello everyone!
I'm living in Lisbon for over thirty five years and I like my city very much.Although, during last decades I, unfortunately, recognize that the quality of its environment has been deteriorated, which won't be good for nobody.. I'm thinking, for example,about sonorous and air pollution as two of the results of the savage economics increasing and standard of living. People are getting better paid-jobs, less secure than in past we know, and so they are moving from one new house to another, bank races have been lower and, at the same time, the authorities have approved the investment on building on lands appropriated to the agriculture or by far the worst on water courses - increasing the risk of inundations - and pulling down trees and destroying green spaces.
In Lisbon, the pace of life is, also, faster and faster and so each family are getting, an average, two cars and each one of their members will go to work by car, which has improved pollution, too.
In my opinion, some things for a wealthier future of Lisbon must be implemented, like these:
- Better reorganization of the land;
- More investment in the the public transports inside the city and on the connection between the center and the suburbs in order to make easier people's life and to encourage the working and medium classes to come diary to their job by public transport;
- Plantation of lots of trees on almost of all the side walks, protecting us from bad effects of hot weather and, at the same time, increasing the oxygen in the air;
- Building gates on side walks in order to prevent parking cars and motor bikes;
- Forbidding the traffic in historical zones of Lisbon;
-Upbringing the children, since first years of their life,about how to look after their city and to keep sane our blue planet.

Finally,I bag your pardon for this too long piece of writing.

Bye, I'll see you tomorrow.

ana said...

Hello everyone,
First of all I'd like to apologise for my absence from the classes. Unfortunately I have had too many apointments to go to. This saturday I´m going to a congress in Coimbra and next week I have clinical seminars in my society. However I woul like very muuch to be up to date with the work developed in the classes. If it is possible I would like to ask caroline her email.
Best wishes,

carolyn said...

Hi Isabel,
I can see you feel strongly about this, I suppose because the area you live in has quite a lot of traffic. I like the idea of planting trees. There aren't very many green spaces in Lisbon - are there? More parks would be good where people could have a picnic or have a stroll on a Sunday afternoon.We planted a new tree last Saturday morning in the British Council garden, so hopefully we're doing our bit to help the environment.

carolyn said...

Hi Ana,
My e-mail is below. It's carolynleslie25@hotmail.com. Just to remind you, we have no lessons on the 14th june - it's an open day, so the council will be open and I'll be here, but there are no classes.