Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lateral thinking puzzles

I've got some puzzles for you to think about during the week. Read them through, post your ideas and then I'll post the solutions. Good luck!

1 A man walks into a bar and asks the barman for a glass of water. The barman pulls out a gun and points it at the man. The man says 'Thank you' and walks out. Why?

2 A man and his son are in a car accident. The father dies on the scene, but the child is rushed to the hospital. When he arrives the surgeon says ' I can't operate on this boy, he's my son!' How can this be?

3 A man is wearing black. Black shoes, socks, trousers, jumper, gloves and a mask. He is walking down a black street with all the street lamps off. A black car is coming towards him with its lights off too, but somehow manages to stop in time. How did the driver see the man?


Perséfone said...

Hi there! I've been trying to solve this "intelectual puzzles" and for the moment I think I know the answer to the third story. Well, the story doesn't mention if it takes part during the day or the night. But if the man is wearing everything black and the driver stops at time, it could only happened during the day.
I'll think about the solutions to the other ones! =P

carolyn said...

Oh you clever thing Margarida, you've cracked the third one. Well done.
PS we say stop on time :)

ana said...

Hello everyone,

I think that in the first story the man who walks into the bar is blind.
In the second story the surgeon is his mother, that´s why she said that she couldn´t operate.
the third one I already seen Margarida's answer!
See you all saturday!!!

carolyn said...

Hi Ana,
well done - you've cracked the second one - the surgeon is indeed his mother, but you'll have to think about the first story again.
See you on Saturday,

Isabel said...

Hello,once again
I'm having a few holiday days and then, in my leisure time, I'm doing some small piece of writing.
Today, I intend to tell you about Leonardo Da Vinci's art exhibition located at the Faculdade de Ciências, near The British Council in Lisbon.

I suppose which is the most amazing at that exhibition is to imagine how much intelligent, creative and knowledgeable Leonardo Da Vinci had been,because he was an engineer, a painter, a musician, an inventor and a scientist.
There, we can admire his paintings - there are replicas of them and a tiny story above each one and a little bit more developed piece of information about "The last dinner between Jesus Cristo and his disciple".
As an engineer, he designed things like a submarine, an helix of an helicopter, a bicycle,a screw's machine, the perfect city, and so on.
As musician, Da Vinci had played lyre and invented, for example, a handy piano and a double flute
As scientist, he had studied the winds, the tides and the human body.He had developed an enormous curiosity about the human body and then he dissected about thirty cadaver, until the Pope forbade him to do that at Rome. He drew the organs he had observed like the heart, the muscles and, surprisingly, a fetus into mother's uterus at three positions.
We can also see two or three of his notebooks and his codified writing, although to understand it we must use a mirror that is available to us by the organization.
Out of the exhibition, I like sharing with you a little but ugly curiosity about Da Vinci's life, that is the following:When he was a young boy and he was working and studying at the Verrochio's studio in Florença, the authorities suspected from his engagement to a teenager that suffered from mental disease which was a crime.
His father and some friends advised him to leave Florença, which lead to his cooperation at Ludovico's sovereign's residence in Milão - city where he painted "The last dinner..."

Important note:
If you are Millenium's customer, take with you your credit or debit/card and the exhibition's entrance will be free on Sunday.


ana said...

Hello again,
maybe the barman has pointed a water gun at the man...
bye see you tomorrow!

carolyn said...

Hi Isabel
Thank you for sharing your experience at the leonardo da vinci exhibition. Sounds fascinating. I don't quite understand the last bit though about the scandal. Could you explainn it again please?

carolyn said...

Hi Ana,
Thanks for trying, but I don't think it's got anything to do with a water gun. Why might the bar man want to give the man a fright?
Maybe you can tell me tomorrow,